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Why is Network Security Important?

Discussions surrounding data security, network security, and general information technology security are now so commonplace that it’s easy to become immune to this information as it’s dismissed as “white noise.” C-suite executives trust their technology teams to handle security, assuming their mid-sized businesses are under the radar of cyber attackers.
network security

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Back to Basics: Network Security

The discussions surrounding data security, network security, and general information technology security are now so commonplace that it’s easy to become immune to this  information as it’s dismissed as “white noise.” C-suite executives trust their technology teams to handle security, assuming their mid-sized businesses are under the radar of cyber attackers.

However, statistics tell us this is not the case. 

The Growing Cybersecurity Threat to Mid-Sized Enterprises

Statistics reveal a different story. Attacks on medium-sized businesses are growing exponentially. Shockingly, over 90% of successful network attacks and data breaches are due to a lack of basic security measures.

Making Data Security Your Top Priority

Regardless of the “perceived” threat, data security should always be the highest priority when considering technology. Organized hacker groups are utilizing well-documented and coordinated methods with good returns on investment against companies of all sizes. Cybercriminals are targeting companies because their results have proven that easily compromised organizations are willing to pay the ransom. However, the single largest threat concerning network security comes from within – the human element. 

The Human Element – The Weakest Link in Network Security

You’ve likely heard the joke, “The problem always starts with the software between the screen and the chair.” The truth is, most attacks wouldn’t be successful without overeager (or overworked) employees not paying attention or clicking one too many times. Implementing the proper network security measures into your organization’s IT infrastructure will significantly reduce that risk. In fact, there are many tools, utilities, and applications available to help secure your networks from within. 

Navigating the Maze of Network Security Solutions

The technology industry is jam-packed with security solutions. When used properly, these methods can be quite effective. Companies like Barracuda, Fortinet, and Microsoft, leaders in the data and information technology security industry, offer a wide range of products to fortify and secure systems of all sizes. However, when sourcing the appropriate solution for your organization, it is essential to keep in mind the adage “garbage in is garbage out.” 

Fortifying Your Network – A Shield Against External Threats

When assessing your options, it’s critical to understand the physical and financial investment each system requires and adequately staff your organization to implement, support, and rely on these tools consistently.  Critical devices that can be used to compromise your network include routers, firewalls, cable or DSL modems, printers, video game consoles, smartphones, and voice-over-Internet protocol (VoIP) phones. Depending on the protocols your system requires, you may have even more devices linked to your network. From a security standpoint, firewalls and host-based security software are two primary components that deliver protection. A well-architected network reduces risk by preventing a malicious actor’s ability to move within the network. Compare this concept to a watertight door in a submarine. If seawater enters the submarine, the watertight door secures the breached area, allowing the sub to return to the surface. Similarly, an appropriately configured network will have built-in “watertight doors” to prevent an attacker who has successfully breached your perimeter from moving laterally through the network. 

The Triad of IT Security – People, Process, and Controls

Your organization’s information technology security should be approached from a layered approach, keeping the three basic security tenets in mind–people, process, and security controls (both technical and procedural). 

Partnering with Vancord – Your Guide to Network Security

For personalized guidance and implementation of the right security tools, contact the experts at Vancord. Our team can help safeguard your network effectively.

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